Discussion of the concept of an open garden in Mudgee

On the 7th November 2017 meeting, we welcomed John Bentley as our guest speaker. John is the chairman of a number of organisations in Mudgee, which include the Mudgee Garden Club, the National Trust in Mudgee and the steering group for the development of the new $70+ million Mudgee hospital.

On this particular occasion, John talked about organising and managing an open garden weekend. Several months ago, club’s president Sof had discussed with John about the viability of this project.
John articulated his concept of an Open Garden weekend and gave Club members the opportunity to pose questions on how we may deliver a successful annual event beginning in Spring 2018.

John gave a thought provoking presentation including a summary of the benefits that he considered our Club could bring to the table.

In meantime, club’s secretary Ross Hearne had been researching various avenue and contacting rotary clubs in Australia that have been running similar projects. These information were feed-backed to in our club’s meeting, enabling us to assess the viability of the project.