Cherie and David Boland

Elegant landscape created by trees and hedging

30 Tinja Lane, Putta Bucca.

Author: Jane Munro

Cherie and David Boland’s garden is an elegant landscape of vistas and hidden places. Skilled design and unrelenting dedication to trialling and identifying the best plants for their block’s soil and microclimate, are the foundations for this garden’s success.

Curvaceous, sweeping lines of clipped hedges, avenues and groves of trees entice the visitor to explore the garden, moving from one beautifully designed area to the next, each with its own character and plant selection. Many of the plants are clipped into spherical or ovoid shapes and these are equally at home in the formal gardens as in the more free-flowing, informal areas.

You will see poplars, maples, casuarinas, silver elms, willows, Forest Pansy, Magnolia grandiflora, Viburnums, and delicate variegated pittosporums.

Accepting that some favourite plants won’t prosper in their garden’s microclimate, alternatives have been planted with great success. Simonii poplars thrive in place of silver birches and there’s a naturalistic grove of them, underplanted with ivy and graced with an elegant central sculpture. Avenues of ornamental pear varieties look stunning and bloom in succession to produce a long flowering season. Hedges and trees are selected for low maintenance- Gleditsia, groves of Acer rubrum “October glory” and casuarina. The great variety of plants and the stunning sculptures and outdoor features (including a spectacular sculptural firepit) will inspire everyone.